Thursday, December 15, 2016

Empathy is a choice -choose what you take on By Kristen Tenpenny

How would it feel to you if I told you that every thought, action, way of being, way of doing, way of speaking, manifestation of abundance, loving relationship, and so on that you witness in another person, place or thing, appears in your aura?

The sayings: “you are what you eat” and “you become your friends,” can be literal in an energetic and spiritual sense. That is why when people spend enough time around someone, they start to sound or walk like them. Or when observing someone who is in a new relationship you may notice that their beliefs and personality start to mold together. I’d like to propose that now we become more conscious and proactive in what we allow in, and what we keep out of ourselves. 

So, imagine that anything you witness in another, is an energy ball of information that floats into your aura. If someone says something mean about your friend it comes into your consciousness and you either agree with them or deny it and shut it down/out. In the same way, you can do that with someone’s pain, fear, or anger that they are dumping out. 
I invite my fellow conscientious uplifters to send this energy back to the sender with consciousness and love when their energy feels heavy or draining to you. 

Now, when you notice an attribute, attitude, reaction, dramatic story, or energy of some other sort that you do not want within you, say in your mind 5 times, “Who’s is this? Send it back to sender with consciousness.” This has worked for me many times when I started to feel emotional or drained. 

Likewise, there is a way to “hold space” with compassion for people in their heavy moments, but we can do this without taking it on. Holding space requires that we be able to be fully present with them without judgment and without taking their energy, problem, or perception on. Also, without letting it affect our state of being. That means being unattached to the experience the other person is speaking about or going through or even directly sending to you (psychic attack), staying grounded, and heart centered. One method is by seeing yourself surrounded in a white light bubble and also, despite appearances, and maybe contrary to how you feel about this person in that particular moment, to see them in their own bubble of white light, knowing they are being filled with Pure Love as you imagine it. Most of all do not let yourself get sucked in by any drama or triggers. If you do, disengage and walk away so that you can connect with your higher self to recompose and then actively choose what qualities of energy and personality you want to accept in yourself and engage with. 

On the contrary, if you see qualities or attributes in a person, their life, or even environment that you wish you had, you can accept and say “yes” to that particular attribute or energy. Invite it to show up in you, your life, or your environment! My partner recently told me when she saw happy couples out together before she met me, she felt overjoyed because she knew that because she was seeing it around her, she was close to it herself! She was right.. ;)

Another example is when I saw someone handle a situation with someone in a way that I had never seen, and didn’t know how to. The fact that I saw someone else do it, meant that I now knew how and could access the quality of energy I witnessed and take it on as a role I am enacting. Specifically, I was wondering how to stay strong and grounded when approached with a negative and ill-intended person. Shortly after, I saw a woman I admire be faced with a man who everyone around her was scared of because he threatened to bomb their work-place. I saw and felt her hold her ground, be centered, loving, but strong when asking him kindly and boldly: to leave. Ever since I witnessed her do that, I think back to that moment when I am faced with people who are trying to induce fear and create the same energy within myself to get the same results. I can never be her, and can never recreate that exact experience, yet I can find within me the ability to be strong, centered, grounded, assertive and loving with my communication. 

Similarly, the same goes for someone you perceive as having what you want. As you witness them in the space of what you want for yourself, you are learning how to align yourself energetically with it, just by witnessing their experience. I recommend seeing an attribute, experience, etc. (that you want and have witnessed), as an energy ball of a certain color and essence that has duplicated itself into your aura. Then, you say “yes” to it and “take it on” with the intention of it being in the greatest and highest good for you and others, as well as it being expressed in a way that is unique and in the highest way for you. Obviously, if you see a friend who has a significant other that is everything you think you want in a romantic partner, you wouldn’t “take on” their exact significant other, but the qualities that you enjoy and want within them,.. or another experience.  
In fact, shortly before I met my partner, I consciously thought about all of the characteristics from past romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships that I enjoyed about them and our relationship, what parts of the connection and person I would like to continue in my life, and what I would like to go without in my partnership. 

Keeping in mind, each of us is responsible for what we create. If you get jealous of someone else’s good qualities that you want in your life, which is the same as shutting it out of your life. Instead, know your power is in the witnessing itself. Recognize that what they have is beautiful and know that you can simply say yes to inviting and accepting it into your life as well! We do not have to take anything from another in order to have what they have. It is possible for others to have what we want and we have it as well! We are truly, in the witnessing, just aligning with our own experience of what we perceive them having and brining it closer into our own lives. Let all blocks dissolve away from receiving what is in the best and highest way possible. 

Going deeper, I am a ThetaHealer and used ThetaHealing, an energy healing and meditative modality, to remove any stagnant or blocked energy from fully receiving and being ready for the Love I was calling in. I saw a “bottom belief” (core or root issue that is hidden in the subconscious) that I am sure many of you will be able to relate with, and I want to share it with you so that you can accept the healing I received through my own Healing process as well. When asking Spirit while in a Theta state, what was blocking me from physically manifesting all that my heart desires in abundance and creation, I saw myself in and as nothingness. I felt conflicting beliefs and feelings around this state, an important awareness. One was fear of being in and of nothingness. The other was fear of losing the ability to be and have nothingness! 

To conclude, nothingness to me, is the state of regeneration, silence, stillness, connection with the Divine in an intimate way, etc. However, the fear of the ego is that there is no particular identity, individuality, or creation in this state. With that said, I will use ThetaHealing now to command you (as long as you say “yes” outloud to yourself) understand God’s definition of what it feels like and know how to integrate the state of “nothingness” in the highest Truth, with your individual life force energy, manifesting abilities, and experience of life, love, people, places and things. To have that constant access and holy experience of nothingness and everything in each moment, bringing peace in the greatest and highest good for you now! And so it is! Thank you God! 

Please check out my website and reach out if you liked this article. I would love to work with you on whatever you are working through now to make it a more gentle and loving experience. 

Love Surrounds You,

Kristen Tenpenny


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