Saturday, October 27, 2018

Let's be Honest

It seems like that's what this world tries so hard to do to people.. break them down to cold. But u can break the cold back.

There is so much evil and hatred in the world. Inescapable.

As hard as I've tried to deny it and see the good.. it's left me with more heartbreaks than a 30 year old should have.

In that Brokenness and inescapable Truth that evil is all around controlling the actions, the foods, the sexuality, stealing the innocence, and the sacred of most of the world..
having no where else to look because Darkness is screaming and hovering in large bubbles, making itself appear bigger than life..

If it is something or someone directly in my life, I employee my saying: "only love is welcome here!" As a filter. And it works.

But most of the grief that pains me is other people's pain, it is global, hurting the masses and people I cannot touch. It puts me in a place of helplessness and non-action. A place of acceptance and surrender.

Surrender to the Evil of the powers in control!?

I explored many different options of what to do from here..

1. Die.

2. Hurt those who have hurt me.

3. Become a vigilanti and stop the crimes against humanity with force.

4. Become numb and tune everything and everyone out.

... But all of those options felt impossible in accordance with my Soul, and with the Presence of our Christ whispering his gentleness in my ear. I almost argue with the Presence to let me come home and that I can't be here.. he let's me vent like a loving father and stays with me evenly without judgement.
(A quality that holds through me during a session, and I am so grateful for an ability to be able to give that through Him).

I do not need to deny evil in order to feel the Love and Truth of God. And I do not need to let Evil dictate Who I Am or become in this world.

In the end.. even with the evil evident and loud.. God still exists!

I do not need to choose any of the options given to me by this world. We are in this world but not of it. I can choose to be still, and know that God is God.

That's all we need to do.

Be well my loves. Even as you see the undeniable. You do not have to shut your heart down or turn it cold. You do not have to let the world turn you or make you..

You are an authentic and loving beautiful child of God. No matter what this world has done to you, be still and know: God still exists.

God's Pure Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

I'll be in Lutz today.
Spring Hill and Tampa next weekend, and Bok Tower in Lake Wales the next!
Please come see me.
Let us experience the gentle and loving existence of God in our awareness.

This is true, but it doesn't mean to ignore or shut out the bad.. I tried this for the last 10 years ignoring the wars and abuse against women and children because it was too painful to admit. Not watching the news or being aware of current events, not letting people talk about horrible things that have happened.. yet it would always find it's way to me, even in a bumper sticker! 
In acknowledging it's existence and acknowledging God is greater and always wins with the will of each individual.. we are free. 

God still exists, even in the war and the evils of the world.. gentle comforting, asking, tugging, reminding.. God is still there. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

What does the future hold


For those who like to know why, like I do!

But God giggled at me and said:
 "My dear one, for every question you have answered by me, 20 more will appear! There will never be a time where I have answered all of your questions, in all of infinity. Because life does not happen in the answer, it happens in the experience."

I intuitively always agreed with this bible passage ("And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or practice witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead."), even though I never knew about it until very recently. I felt it was harmful and not good to call upon Spirits, the dead, ask Omens to teach us or show us the way, or to look to tell the future.. I had fear turn into understanding that if we did these things it would set a path more concrete and make us believe that we didn't have the power to change the way things were heading. That we are stuck or doomed into the future told by us from a psychic, you psychic perception, or omen.. But we co-create our future with God because Jesus Christ represents Redemption.

Our power, within God, allows us to choose something new inside ourselves and therefore in our lives.. create the future God is guiding us into in the Present, rather than be told what our future and destiny is. Have the many options we are always presented with.

When we find our security in knowing what lies ahead, we are not finding our Security in God! And in God, is the only way to succeed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Keep your eyes on me

The kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Keep your eyes on me.
I am the Truth, the Way, the Light.

How do we incorporate Jesus' teachings to lean upon him and put the Presence of God first?

Whether you are experiencing difficult emotions, physical health issues, or harsh environment and people, haunting memories, or anything else that makes you feel less than your best.. this is a focus, a perception, a living in a parallel dimension separate from God.

Paul mentioned that our fight is spiritual and not of this world. (2 Corinthians 10)

God wants to use each of your unique expression to touch you, experience love and Union with you and to also be able to reach others and touch others; to draw them closer to Love and Grace. This could happen through a hug, through encouraging words, through seeing an art piece, through getting great food and service, through a hair cut.. We could be nourished and touched by the Holy Spirit in so many ways!

There are temptations, lies, and forces working to keep us from our full power in God's love. There is a dimension of lower and negative energy (Satans/ devil, jealousy, rage, envy, selfishness, etc) that wants to thwart the flow of blessings and Oneness with God's guidance and flow.

If you see it as 2 energetic dimensions that are both living here and battling for your attention.. maybe you can recognize which one you're in at any given moment.

In God's presence, the Devil and his manipulations are irrelevant. If we are in the demonic or lower dimensions we may think we need to fight, argue, lie, steal, manipulate, or convince someone or something to allow us to Be Who We Are. Or for them to "allow" us to live out God's plan of freedom and Joy! We may feel like we need to ask permission, tame the beast, walk on eggshells.. work ourselves and lives around not being attacked! Avoiding.. not rocking the boat.. people pleasing.

If GOD directly gave you a gift in the way of a person, talent, heart's desires, relationship, ability, blessing, money, opportunity, experience, and so on.. it is no one else's business for you to justify taking and using the gift! The devil has a lot of people and ways to make you feel like you're not good enough or trick you into believing the gift will hurt you. Or your gift will make others feel bad. Or you're obligated to give it to someone else or sacrifice it for someone else.

The devil has a lot of opinions about you not having your gift from God. But it isn't his gift to give or keep from you. his thoughts and desires for you  how you use your life force energy, talents, and passion are truly irrelevant! Look to God and take your blessing and use it! (You do not owe anything to have a gift from God, our Source is infinite!)

That is why Jesus says: look at me.

Because even in the midst of whatever you are facing, in God's energy, the devil is irrelevant. You don't have to prove worthiness. You don't have to ask for permission. God granted us and Jesus showed us the command and authority we have over the Devil or lower Energies.

When we step into the dimension where we see the face of Jesus or feel the Holy Spirit surrounding us, we take back the authority of our lives and commit to living in the flow of Christ. 

Use your imagination!!! Step out of the world of devils and into the heavens of our Father/ true nature. 

Align yourself and get good at it!! Find a trigger that puts you back in God's grace! It could be the words "love, joy, grace, gratitude..." Whispered softly from your heart. It could be a feeling, it could be a prayer, it could be the image that appears when u think of Jesus Christ and ask him to come, it could be music.. 
Then from this place, (seek ye the kingdom FIRST, then all else shall follow) when you speak, The words will be an assertive/ loving authority to take back the reigns and remove any strongholds or chains including guilt or fear that the Darkness has had on you. 
'You cannot treat me this way' will be heard and the way to be treated will also flow from your mouth or presence. 
'Do not speak to me like that' will be followed by how to speak to you. 

You won't be begging or convincing or even teaching. You will will standing tall with the army of God behind you. And it is rule.

Standing strong in the presence of the Lord- Jesus Christ, for he has done the ultimate act of Love and all Darkness flees from Him.

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

Friday, September 21, 2018

How does it work?

I've been in the midst of the worst things in humanity. The perspective I have is that it as get to witness it, it is wonderful because it gets to be healed and resolved. I do not look at the thoughts, feelings, or past as definitive of who someone is, but what they are letting go of.
So, you feel peace with me because I do not judge it, I am excited to see it be resolved and that we were able to find and reveal it!

I am happy to see what you have song so much of your life trying to hide. I am not turned off by your vulnerability. I am humbled and honored to see it as God's beauty and Grace freeing you from a limitation.

How "it" works: I receive The Lord's guidance every step of the way, how it would help you the most. Usually putting the bowls on your body and playing them which will reveal and pinpoint what is best to work on at that moment. I hold space and guide you into letting it go by asking you for permission to either remove a trauma or bring forth an aspect of God's energy that your cells have been rejecting and calling foreign such as peace, unconditional love, joy, how to live without trauma, knowing what it feels like to love yourself, working on what God needs you to understand about being worthy of God's love, etc..

But each session is unique as the when words and unfoldment that will impact you the most. Maybe I will need you to energy test statements so you can witness them change throughout the session. Maybe we will need to trace your meridians. Maybe I will see things that have happened in your past, childhood, or past life/ ancestors that is deeply creating undesirable patterns you've been living out. Maybe I will guide you into creating new patterns. Maybe I need to cover my hands over a certain place on your body, or maybe run ACCESS BARS by gently touching certain places on your skull. There are so many ways and even new ways God can and will touch you.

Over the phone and distance healing is very visual and people have felt and seen energy in ways they have never even come close to on a phone session. We've cleared dark energy and associations. We've removed curses. We've brought back fragments of their souls! God has helped people let go of toxic relationships. God has ignited forgiveness, compassion, acceptance. God answers your prayers, but usually deeper than what you thought was what you needed or wanted.

Many people worry their negativity or pain would hurt me during a session. I do not take it on or even take it out. It is not I, but 'Our Father In Heaven'- the great I Am - the Divine Master who embodies all of us.. who does all of the work. I can do or give nothing of myself, it is not me that you are needing. It is the Space and the Matter, the Infinite which can fill, fulfil, redeem and restore you. So I am never hurt, in fact it is a gift to be apart of the wonderful workings of Christ and be healed by it too. So, thank you, for letting me.

I've spent the last 10 years of my life witnessing/ facilitating healing for myself and others. Building my own faith and somewhat of an understanding through so many different modalities, so that my faith and connection can be strong enough for both of us. Healing and transformation of God doesn't need you to understand or even believe. But you will certainly notice a change! And that is so fun!

But don't just take my perspective, here are the words of many that have received:

Glory to God the Highest!

Pure Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny

A description given from a client who received many phone sessions: 

-Anne-Marie Kearney (Mar. 2016) Tampa, FL.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

a prayer for the hopeless

I woke up at 4:30am this morning. Perfect timing for the lungs to be most open and therefore grief fully exposed/ processed. My whole body ached and I leapt into a fit of tears, provoked by nothing but the wave of emotions that suddenly appeared over me.  Vibrational and resonate discomfort sunk into my bones. The pains of this world suddenly felt unbearable, all at once. 

Sometimes I feel like a colorful fruit bird looking for a tree to nest and eat from... but all of the trees I see, no matter how far I fly, are on fire or covered in black mold. Dreary, I know. 

Bringing face to the onset of emotions I thought about how I do not like being on Earth as it is being murdered by the ones it feeds. How I couldn't stand to be a human, a part of a species that intentionally kills, rapes, or sells others (even their own babies) for their own gain or for the mere evil of it. 

Sometimes it feels like the world's evil is so much louder than the good. Even the people who I should be closest to because we have similar ways of expressing/ interests only pick my brain and gifts to imitate them and then go to the jobs I worked to get, to try to sell themselves there. Where is the authenticity of Goodness on this Earth? The humane kindness in humanity?

The river outside of my door is normally aqua blue. The water perfectly clear on top of white sand. It brought me so much peace and healing. Soothing like a mother's rocking to fall asleep. I went out on the canoe a few days ago and it looks like people leaked millions of gallons of soda. The water was seeping brown and oil. Dismay. Shock. I actually felt lost and disoriented. 

So I felt, and cried, but now what? That is a hole that can go infinitely deep and I have gone far enough. I get the point. Earth and humans are crying out for health and love! 

If I see it, I can change it. 

So I pray: 
God, the almighty, most high in heaven, in the name/ presence of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is commanded to heal and restore the waters, the trees, the life of this beautiful planet. Heal the root causes of it's destruction and uncreate and destroy those ways and habits now! Heal humanity and bring each individual into their loving kindness, their true and authentic nature's in Christ. 

I ask for forgiveness. 
I ask for forgiveness for rape,
For hate, 
For anger-leading actions, 
For selfishness,
For disregard, 
For mistrust, 
For unforgiveness, 
For pain, 
For darkness, 
For evil,
For pollution,
For neglect,
For war,
For greed, 
For gluttony,
For theft,
For lying,
For cheating,
For harming,
For lack of caring,
For lack of taking responsibility,
For dishonor,
For disrespect,
For destruction of your Good.. 

I pray that the well being of Life Force energy, this Earth, and it's natural resources be more valuable than the monetary value and life of a corporation.

Thank you God for your forgiveness. Heal us and let us see the purpose of co-creation and harmony we may choose. Help us to choose You.
And so it is! Thank you God. Amen.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Moon

New moon, new you!! I don't keep up with the planetary alignments but have been instinctively asking my clients to ask themselves deeper questions, what are your goals? The whole picture? What are your intentions? And how would you like to feel while it is becoming materialized? You can always edit and add to your intentions.. But with new moon energy pulling on our watery insides, it's time to get clear! Say what you want and don't leave anything out! The more you give to God, the more God can give back to you.
Peace be still, and know!

What do you want to do with your days?
Would you like to be and feel financially independent? Truly? 100% ?
Is God big enough to make this happen?
Are you willing and ready to allow it?

Sometimes just asking the questions is enough and allow your feelings to bubble up and call forward God's energy to fill in the answers!

One technique I love in manifesting is ACCESS BARS and CONSCIOUSNESS which allows the questions to bring up the resistance and then let it go.

Let me know if you'd like an in person or phone session with me guiding you through!

Love surrounds you,
Kristen Tenpenny